Sunday, April 15, 2007

Prayer Letter

Monday, April 16, 2007

Dear Brothers,
Greetings in Jesus Name

1 Co 15:57But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

We always give thanks to God for the victories that He has granted us both in the ministry and in our personal lives. The Lord is wonderful and, continuously, blesses us. We know that is, only, according to His grace that is sufficient for us. We are glad to share with you all these blessings for you are part of our lives and ministry in Hungary.
Aline is doing very well, excited for the opportunity that the Lord has given to her to study at Moody Bible Institute. This week we have received the student visa from the USA Embassy in Budapest. Now, she is ready to go. The finance is still an issue, but we trust that the Lord will provide for the 4 years that she is studying at Moody.
The winter has gone and the flowers and trees in Hungary is coming alive once again. It is good to see this change that reminds us about our own winters, the spring always come and after that the summer. The Lord is great and mighty!
Rita is suffering again from allergies, please pray for her since he has to take medicines and has to bear all that follows allergies.
Tarissa is very excited to enter into High School next year and to stay in Hungary. We have decided to stay longer, but we still need to see what is going to happen with the new taxes’ laws that are applying for us next year. Please, pray for that since it means that we will need to increase our support level.
In Ercsi, Miklos and Eva are very excited with the Lord’s blessings. The doctors told Miklos that his liver is fine now (they have given him few weeks last month). We know that it was the Lord’s intervention in his life. Electricity and water will be connected in their house and that will give him a little comfort. Please, pray for them as they grow in the knowledge of our Lord.
In Ofalu the ministry is continuing after the breaking in that we had last month (computers, printer and a cd player were stolen). We have also some windows broken in the past week. Yes, it is a very difficult village. The children are still coming for the programmes and English classes. In Wednesday, we have about 20 people every week for the bazaar (most of them are Hungarian). Please, pray for that community.
Rita continues serving as bookkeeper in OM and she needs patience to carry on doing this volunteer’s work. OM still needs her services (she was thinking to resign from that).
Please, continue praying for us as we consider the ministry and follow up on the evangelistic outreach. Next evangelistic meeting in Ercsi will be in the first week of May at the Cultural House.
We praise the Lord for your life and your partnership in the ministry in Hungary,

Carlos A Correa

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