Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dalit conference

Please, pray for this conference.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

This is our prayer letter, If you want to receive it by email. Please, let us know at


Monday, October 5, 2009


Dear Brothers,

It's great to be in Santiago again. The weather, slowly, is getting warmer and summer is coming. The chilean people are very open and kind people. The Lord is doing a wonderful work through His church in Chile and we believe He will use chileans to preach the gospel in different nations. Please, pray that it will happpen and many young people will join the missionary force that is coming from Latin America to impact countries around the world.
May God bless you,

Carlos Correa

Friday, September 25, 2009

Rita's surgery

Rita had her surgery, finally, last friday and she is at home already. The operation was very successful and there was no problem whatsoever. We praise the Lord for His provision in that area. She is already going to university and preparing for the next assignment that will be to move to Chile next year to serve the Lord with OM Chile. Please, pray for her complete recovery.
May God bless you,

Carlos Correa

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Neste ultimo ano que estamos no Brasil, nao tivemos a oportunidade de postar nenhuma mensagem. Gostariamos de reiniciar com o novo desafio que estamos involvidos na Obra do Senhor. Estamos orando para irmos para o Chile servir junto a Equipe da OM Chile no desenvolvimento da Obra Missionaria. Aceitamos o desafio e gostariamos que orassem por nos, para que possamos fazer a Obra do Senhor naquele pais a partir do ano que vem em tempo integral. Estarei viajando nestes proximos meses para que possa estar tomando conhecimento de tudo o que estara relacionado com a OM Chile, ja que o nosso servico estara voltado para a a equipe de missionarios que la estao para o desenvolvimento do ministerio. Por favor orem por nos.
Carlos Correa

Friday, February 15, 2008

Miklos and Eva civil ceremony

We had the privilege of being part of the marriage ceremony in Ercsi. Miklos and Eva were very happy at Valentine's day, when they came together before the authority to, officially, be married.
Pray for them, next month will be in the church followed by their baptism. We pray that our Lord will be glorified in everything they do and that they can be a testimony of God's grace and love.
Thank you for your prayers,


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Friday 25/01

Praise the Lord!
We had a wonderful meeting last Friday in Ofalu. We received the families from Ofalu and few from Ercsi. The Lord blessed us very much in the meeting and also we had a children's ministry during the message. We thank the Lord for Laci and Eva who headed the children's program together with Rita and we see the blessing from the Lord upon the children.
Please, pray for the families that came from Ofalu: Stolyka, Mezo, Piroska and many children (Zsuzi, Rick, Oliver, Henrik, Zsenifer, Evelin, Alex, Mario, Amanda, Laci, Goman Mario, Victor, Jani)
Our vision is to follow up with a monthly meeting at Ofalu Ministry Center.

In Christ,
